Join us for an evening of Circus Dreams & Realities

Join us in the biggest Salida Circus event of the year, "Journee du Cirque" a contemporary circus show featuring professional circus performers from Salida, BV, all over the state of Colorado and beyond. Directed by Benjamin Domask-Ruh, and debuting a performance by the Salida Circus youth program, the Emergent Performers. All proceeds go to the Emergent Performers Program, ensuring scholarships and opportunities for any and all local youth aspiring to become professional circus performers.



(Ends March 15th)

(+ $1.00 fee)

General Admission

(+ $1.00 fee)
Total: $0.00

Can you make an additional donation?

The Salida Circus relies on the generosity and support from our community. Your optional gift will go towards our NEW Emergent Performer program, where we educate and train students how to be circus professionals.



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